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Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Fat Admirer Husband Loves Wife's Bountiful Body

Unknown  |  at  2:05 AM  |  ,  |  No comments

Like many overweight women, morbidly obese Natalie Werrett hated her 24-stone bulk and did everything she could to cover her bulging body. But after meeting ‘chubby-chaser’ hubby Liam, the mum-of-one from Norfolk has learned to embrace her gargantuan curves – and now she’s flashing the flab online. Curvaceous Natalie, 29, was pressured by friends, family and ex-boyfriends to attempt a stream of fad diets to lose weight - which left her depressed and miserable. But after meeting ‘chubby-lover’ husband Liam, 30, Natalie gradually learned to love her fleshy frame, and now has a legion of ‘fat-worshipping’ fans that pour over the saucy pictures she posts on fat-admiring websites.

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