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Friday, September 11, 2015

Super-Sized Model: Hubby Loves My Eight Foot Belly

Unknown  |  at  8:13 AM  |  ,  |  No comments

THEY say the way to a man's heart is through his stomach. But 52-year-old Gayla Neufeld has done the opposite - using her own incredible EIGHT FOOT belly to find love. The hungry housewife spent years fighting the flab but now uses it to entice men from around the world, including devoted hubby, Lance. The happy couple, who met on a fat-fetish forum called Bulge Chat, even use Gayla's 96-inch asset in her new career - as a webcam model. Thirty-stone Gayla wasn’t always so body-confident and for years she struggled to deal with her family's unusual legacy of piling weight around the midriff. She was bullied at school but has now found happiness in herself. She now lives with husband Lance in Brandon, Manitoba, Canada.

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